As Halloween approaches, I thought I would share my plans with you in case anyone is scrambling to find fun and engaging activities to do with their classes!
I have a few things up my sleeve for Thursday, so let's get started!
{Une Recette Magique}
One of my favourite activities to do each Halloween is to make a magic potion with the class. I will be dressed up as a witch, and together we will concoct something ghoulish and delicious :)
We follow a basic recipe for a "lime float" (using lime soda and vanilla ice cream), and optional additions include "spider legs" (chocolate sprinkles), "skeleton teeth" (mini marshmallows), and gummy worms.
As an added touch, I even make special labels for the soda bottle and the ice cream carton to keep everything looking decidedly spooky. Here are some awesome labels I found online, although I usually make my French labels by hand:
As we make this potion, we gather around the carpet like witches around a cauldron, and we use a large bowl on the carpet to make our magical mixture. It's a hoot!
{Un petit cadeau}
I prefer not to hand out lootbags or candy, as I find the children are a bit overwhelmed with treats at this time of year. Instead, I use a trick I spotted a few years back. A supply teacher in the school I was working at (unfortunately I don't remember their name!) gave out "monster fingers", and oh man, what a hit! I now do this every year. All it takes is a trip to Walmart or Dollarama, and for a few dollars you can buy 2 packages of "monster fingers" (sometimes dubbed "vampire fingers").
Then, the best part: have your students grab a book! Each student receives one finger, and they use it as their pointing finger to follow text as they are reading. It is so much fun, and it gives your Halloween treat an educational purpose. The students LOVE it! And I mean L-O-V-E!!!
{Une Activité Spéciale}
Lastly, my students are obsessed with "cootie catchers" or paper fortune tellers. So, I decided to incorporate them into our Halloween celebrations! I made some printable Halloween "cocottes en papier" (also known as "salières en papier"). These fun little games help students practice spelling French colour words, and inside students will find hilarious (okay, some are admittedly a bit cheesy!) jokes. My favourite part: these will encourage students to practice their French reading skills, as well as conversational skills as they play their "cocotte" with a partner.
Check them out here! (They're also available in English on my TpT store!)
*Happy Halloween!!!*